Headteacher’s Update 19th July

Dear Parents/Carers,

It was lovely to talk to so many of you both at Sports’ Day and our Open Morning. We really are a strong and supportive community who work together with the best interests of all our pupils.

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Headteacher’s Update: Friday 5th July 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Summer Fair

A BIG THANKYOU to our Friends At Beecroft (FAB) for the fabulous Summer Fair. It was a lovely social occasion and I enjoyed the many conversations as we browsed the stalls. Thank you to Karen Kennedy (Chair of FAB) and her team for all the hard work behind the scenes and on the day.

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Healthy Holidays Activities

Over the summer holidays, children who are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals can access a fantastic range of exciting activities, alongside a delicious meal, for free. 

A website that parents/carers can access brings together Healthy Holidays activities across the city: https://healthyholidays.leeds.gov.uk/

The available activities will be shown on the site from the 1st July, and parents/carers can browse events and book on to activities that are appropriate for their child.

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Headteacher’s Update: 18 June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that Eid was a happy occasion for all our families celebrating and that it was a welcome day off.

Summer Fair: Please can you send summer fair items – toys (not broken), bric-a- brac, (ornaments) jewellery, books, to school for the stalls. (All money goes to supporting trips and visits.)

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Child Safety Week 3-9 June 2024

This year, Child Safety Week takes place between the 3-9 June and the theme is “Safety. Sorted!” It’s all about helping families feel confident that, with one small change, they can stop a serious incident and be clear what they need to do to keep their children safe.

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Headteacher’s Update: 24th May 2024

Dear Parents / Carers,

It has been a very busy and successful half-term and the pupils have been very active, despite the seemingly constant rain.

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Extra-curricular Clubs W/C 29th April

Dear Parents, 

Due to staff training and a visit from another school for CPD next week, there will be no extra-curricular clubs. All clubs will now, recommence  from week beginning 29th April.

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Headteacher’s Update: Tuesday 16th April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

The end of last term, Music In the Hall,  was a wonderful Key Stage 2 celebration of music, drama and dance. All Years 4-6 played a musical instrument and the singing was a joy. Thank you to all families who came – the hall was packed. The support we receive is a huge part of our success at Beecroft.

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Headteacher’s Update: 14th April 2024

School Starts Monday 15th April 8.30am

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to the summer term which starts on Monday 15 April. We hope that you have enjoyed both, your festivals and the holiday.

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Headteacher’s Update: Monday 25th March 2024

Spring Break – Break up Thursday 28th March, Return To School Monday 15th  April 

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for supporting our staff Ofsted celebration when we closed early on Thursday last week. The staff and governors enjoyed the opportunity to have afternoon tea together.

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