Newsletter September 2012

Dear Parents,
Welcome back! The summer holiday has passed very quickly!  Ever more so as we have had major building work to accommodate our intake of 40 Reception children.  This has been funded from Beecroft’s own budget.  We have also started the studio build on top of Year 6.  Many thanks to the governors who met during the holidays to discuss the way forward when tenders were returned.

Thankyou for ensuring that pupils are smart, well organised and well prepared for school.  We really appreciate all the hard work you have put in to ensuring that children are keen and excited at the start of term.

It isn’t too late for your child to join in and do a picture, poem, model, diary …. about a part of their holiday.  The closing date is Friday 14 September.  School Council will be choosing the winner and all pupils will gain 10 colour points for taking part.

These will start in the week beginning 24 September and a letter is in your pack.  Wednesday is the staff training meeting.

Family Assembly
Family Assembly starts on Friday 14 September.  All are welcome.  Our FAB (Friends At Beecroft – Parent Teachers Association) are always represented, usually serving coffee.  This is also an ideal time to meet with me, the Headteacher, on an informal basis to discuss any worries, ask any questions or just to give ideas.  We want your support and sometimes small things can be sorted out with a chat over coffee after the assembly.

Thank you for the tremendous support for attendance for the majority of families.  54 pupils were rewarded with a meal at Pizza Hut for 100% attendance.  Overall Attendance 2011-2012 was high at 98%.  Sadly, however we still have a minority of pupils with persistently low attendance and some families who continue to ask for holidays in term time.  All holidays 2012-2013 will be unauthorised if taken in term time.  Pupils with attendance below an average of 95% do less well and those pupils with attendance below 90% slip behind and this affects their future success in life.

Please support us!  Thank you again for those families who always support.

Dates for your diary

14 September           First Family Assembly

4 October                   6.00 – 7.30 Open evening

5 October                   9.00 – 10.30  Open Morning

12 October                 Harvest Festival in Family Assembly and presentation of music medals

25 October                 Governors Meeting 3pm

26 October                 Break up half term return 6 November

14 November             Parent consultation evening 3.30 – 6.00pm

15 November          Beecroft closed for Election Day

12 December              Afternoon Concert 2.00pm Key Stage 2

13 December              Evening Concert 6.00pm Key Stage 2

20 December             Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity

21 December              Break up for Christmas

Change of Training Day:
5 November will be a training day in place of 3 June.  We apologise for the inconvenience but the next phase of the building work necessitates the change.

Yours sincerely
J Turner

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