Newsletter 8th November 2012

Dear Parent

Thank you for all the support. I am particularly thrilled when I see new words in reading diaries and your support for reading and homework.

Building Work – The next stage of the build of the studio started in the half-term. The hoarding in place in Year 3/4 shared area encloses the building of the staircase and is the access and working point for builders. In the short term (until January) the area is crowded and Year 3 will change in their classrooms before hanging coats up and will use the side entrance to their room. The hoarding will be taken down when the work is complete.

Children in Need Family Assembly Friday 16th November at 2.15pm. (NOT at 9.00am as Election Day before on Thursday)

Pupils can wear dressing gowns or night clothes over their school uniform to link with the country wide appeal for Children in Need! Each class will be organising its own event to raise money at lunchtime. There will be a voluntary collection pot at the assembly.

Election Day Thursday 15 November School Closed

Consultation Evening – Wednesday 14 November 3.30 – 6.00pm – Please see letter attached.

Winter Fair 3.15pm Wednesday 21 November – We need books, toys, brick-a-brac, new child and adult clothes, uniform, cakes, buns, bottles etc.. This is our main money raising event through our Friends at Beecroft. Please support by giving second hand items and by supporting our Fair.

Thank you


13 November Year 1 Visit to Abbey House

14 November Parent consultation evening 3.30 – 6.00pm

15 November Beecroft closed for Election Day

16 November Deadline for Morrison’s vouchers to school

20 November School Photographs

21 November Winter Fair

12 December Afternoon Concert 2.00pm Key Stage 2

13 December Evening Concert 6.00pm Key Stage 2

20 December Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity

21 December Break up for Christmas

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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