Newsletter – January 2013

Dear Parents

Thankyou for ensuring that your child or children attend school on the snow days.  They have been a challenge for us!  During this very cold weather school will close promptly at 3.15pm and we will inform you when clubs will resume.

Gritting of Paths in Snow: We have gritted the footpath (steps) linking Argie Avenue to school, we will continue to keep this gritted so pupils can walk down safely.  We have also made sure that the path at the front and beyond the gate is safe.


New Members of Staff

Miss  Brookes – School Office,  Admin Assistant.

Mrs Hodgkin – Teaching Assistant Year 1

Miss O’Brien – Teaching Assistant Year 4

Thankyou: for supporting reading homework and for the excellent attendance of the majority of children.

Nursery, Reception Parents Reading Meeting: Tuesday 5 February @ 3.15pm.

Reception class would like parent/friend volunteers to help with reading groups at 2.40pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Please let myself or Mrs Nelson know if you can help.

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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