Newsletter – March 2013

Dear Parents
Thank you for your support with attendance during this half term of very cold and unpleasant weather.  Our average for our school from September 2012 to February half term 2013 is 97.7%. This is high. Well done.  A number of pupils have improved their attendance with noticeable improvements in their work as a result.  Unfortunately, 4 pupils have attendance below 85% and this is persistent absence.


Reading Meeting – Nursery & Reception Class: Thank you to all the parents who showed an interest and attended this on Tuesday this week.

Thanks to Parent Helpers: Thanks to all our parent helpers in school.  We appreciate that you give up your time to support our school and pupils.

Residential Visits:

  • Year 6 – Are visiting Castleton in      Derbyshire for their field trip in March
  • Year 5 – Are visiting Nell Bank Centre      in Ilkley during April

Clubs:The weather has curtailed some of our clubs this half term.  Clubs will start the first week back after half term break.

World Book Day at Beecroft: We have organised a book fair for the whole school on Thursday 28th March.  Pupils will be able to use their world book token, parents are also welcome to come and choose books with their children. (More details to follow)

Comic Relief Day – 15th March: Pupils can come in to school in non-uniform (& red noses) and will organise classroom sales in the afternoon.


Return to school on MONDAY 25th FEBRUARY

Dates for your diary:

  • 25th February – Fair      Trade fortnight, children can bring £2.00 fair trade.  There will be an assembly on Friday 8th      March.
  • 15th March – Comic Relief
  • 22nd March – Visitors      to school from Burley St Mathias
  • 28th March – World      Book Day at Beecroft – no assembly, parents invited to choose a book with      free token and buy a book.


Thank you for all your continued support.

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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