Final Newsletter 2012-2013

Dear Parents
We are rapidly coming to the end of a very successful year at Beecroft. The year has flown by!
Thank You

There are many thanks to give at the end of this year for all the voluntary contributions to our school.

•FAB (Friends at Beecroft) for all the money raising and support for the school led by Laura Bottrell the chairperson.
•Parents who help in school and with reading on a regular basis and parents who help with maths and individual pupils
•Our community and friends who help every week, Paxton Horticultural, J Richardson, L Forkin who work on reading.
•Governors with Steve Harris the Chair
•Heather. The Baptist Church (and helpers)
•All the parents who support the school policies and attendance, holidays only in school holidays, reading and homework.

Important Dates before the end of term.

No Drama club after 5 July

Wednesday 10 July: Reports out to parents.

An informal chance to look at your child’s work and speak to your child’s class teacher follows the report on Monday 15 July 3:15-5:15pm. If however, you need a detailed consultation please ring to arrange an appointment.

Saturday 13 July: Kirkstall Festival ‘How Green is our Valley’ – Meet at school at 11.00am and on Hesketh Road 11.30am. Year 5 and 6 can attend with your permission independently. All other pupils must be accompanied by parents. There is no supervision once in the grounds of the festival so school accepts no responsibility once the parade finishes in the arena of the festival.

Tuesday 16 July: Pizza Hut if 100% attendance (separate letter) – KS1

Thursday 18 July: Pizza Hut if 100% attendance (separate letter) – KS2

Friday 19 July: Break up for Summer Holiday

Assembly at 2.00pm (no morning assembly). All the school can leave with parents when this finishes.

Year 1 – 6 return on Wednesday 5th September Reception Class half days for the first week 5th – 7th September, full days from Monday 9th September
Nursery back on Monday 9th September


We look forward to an excellent year 2013-2014.

Yours sincerely
J Turner

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