November Newletter

Dear Parents

We are now at a very busy time in the school year.

 Winter Fair – Wednesday 27th November:  This is a very important money raising event organised by Friends at Beecroft (FAB).  We need – ornaments, books, toys, cakes and buns on the day, bottles.  Please support by sending items for the stalls.  Can you set a stall out on Wednesday 27th  November for 1.15pm?  You don’t have to come to FAB regularly as we need any help from any parents.  Could you go on a stall for part or all of the time from 3.15-5.00 pm?  Please fill in the slip below or ring the office.  Thank you.

Family Assembly 6th December:   Mrs Pat Gradys (Vice-chair of Governors) will present music medals to the 23 pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 who have just taken their Associated Board of the Royal School of Music test.  The flutes, violins and recorders will play a piece of music together at the assembly.

Children in Need:  Many thanks for all the support with buns and spots.  We raised £300 for Children in Need.  Well done!

The Syrian Appeal raised £120

We have a lot to celebrate

  • Our music and drama goes from      strength to strength
  • Cookridge Primary School came to      watch teaching on 14th November.  They were overwhelmingly positive about the experience and commented on the excellent hospitality, impeccable behaviour of the pupils and high quality work from the pupils.
  • ESOL classes to learn to improve      Engilish – 13 parents attended and this will take place from January to      March at Beecroft
  • Our generosity in collecting for      others – Children in Need, Syria, Philippines
  • Our parental help from FAB and      money raising.  Thanks to FAB for a      cheque for £1200 which will help towards new staging for our concerts and      Oliver.
  • There is much more that I am sure      you can add.

Dates to End of Term

Wednesday 27th November                       Winter Fair 3.30-5.00 pm

Tuesday 3rd December                                Consultation Evening  (Please return your slip)

Tuesday 3rd December                                Y6 visit the Parish Church

Friday 6th December                                    Music Medals Assembly

Year 3 Egypt Visit

Thursday 5th December                              Y4  Re-Wind to Christmas at South Parade                Baptist Church

Wednesday 11th December                       Oliver 2.00 pm (Drama club and Key Stage 2)

Thursday 12th December                            Oliver 6.00 pm (Drama club and Key Stage 2)

Friday 13th December                                  R-Y6 – Christmas treat courtesy of Vue Cinema         (No Family Assembly)

Thursday 19th December                            Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity at Family               Assembly

Thursday 19th December                            1.00 pm  Class parties for Christmas

Friday 20th December                                  Christmas Dinner

With thanks for all you support.

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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