
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We would like to start by thanking all those parents and friends of the school who give freely of their time to support us with reading groups, FAB, library, and help and support with class activities. It is very much appreciated!

Sport Relief
What a fantastic effort! The pupils raised £265 for Sport Relief. The event was a great success. Thank you for all your support.

Reading Holiday Challenge
Once again we will be completing the reading challenge over the Easter holidays. The children can participate by visiting a library over the Easter break, reading at least 2 books and getting their reading diary stamped.

Kitchen Refurbishment
Refurbishment of the school kitchen is due to start during the Easter holidays and will continue into next half term. This will NOT affect school dinners as we have organised with the catering agency that the full range of hot and cold meals will be available for the pupils.

Easter Egg Competition
The pupils have been given details about our annual Easter Egg Competition. To enter they simply need to very carefully decorate an egg. All entries will receive a prize and there will be an individual winner from each class. Good luck!

2nd April – Reception height, weight and vision checks
4th April – Easter Assembly
4th April – Break up for Easter
TUESDAY 22nd APRIL – Return to school
22nd – 24th April – Year 5 residential visit to Nell Bank
12th – 15th May – Year 6 SATs tests
Thursday 22 May 2014 – School is closed due to Leeds City Council Elections and European Parliamentary Elections

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