Newsletter June 2014

Dear Parents
We are now in the process of planning for classes in 2014-2015. It is a busy time of year because we are interviewing for new posts. We have been commissioned by Leeds City Council to take 45 pupils into Reception Class. That is 15 extra to the 30 intake. This temporary increase in class size means that we will have temporary teaching posts in school.
Visit to War Horse: This will take place on 11th June for Years 4, 5 and Year 6. There are some loud bangs – please prepare your child, the performance is very dramatic.
Attendance: 98.21% to date.
Non-uniform day: for tombola prizes. School Fair Friday 27th June (Don’t forget your tombola prize, please).
Classes for 2014 – 2015: Provisional classes and provisional teachers for these classes have been presented to Governors. However, until we have finalised interviews we cannot give any further information and the pre-planning remains confidential.
Staffing Information
Mr Johnston: Moving to Malaysia in September so he is leaving Beecroft Primary School.
Miss McIntosh: Post at Castleton Primary School so leaving August 2014.
Mrs Byford: Retiring after 15 years at Beecroft as lunchtime supervisor in August 2014. If you would like to make a contribution to her leaving present after this excellent service, please hand this into the office.
Mrs Sharman: Returns from Maternity leave January 2015.
School Dinners: As from September 2014 the cost of a school meal will be £2.10.
Dates for your diary
16th June: Week Bike-ability Year 6.
19th June: Year 2 visit to Eureka.
23rd June: Key Stage 1 external moderation of Year 2 National Assessment.
23rd June: Leeds Ukulele workshop.
24th June: Reports out to Parents.
26th June: Transition workshop Year 6 at South Parade Baptist Church.
27th June: Non-uniform for tombola prizes – please.
1st July: Robert Wither Primary Academy visits Beecroft re: pupil premium and consistency.
1st July: School Open Morning 9.30am – 11am. This is for all our parents and parents of children joining Reception Classes in September.
2nd July: Summer Fair.
12th July: Kirkstall Festival 10.45am – 1pm.
9th July: Consultation Evening to discuss the report. (Optional)
14th July: Year 6 results of National Tests out to parents.
14th July: Sport’s Day
18th July: Break up for the summer holiday.
Yours sincerely

Miss J.Turner

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