Newsletter July 2014

Dear Parents

We are rapidly coming to the end of another very busy year at Beecroft.

Thank you FAB: A big thank you for the Summer Fair, Laura Bottrell (Chairperson) and her team ensured it was highly organised. The magnificent sum of £1,350.15 was raised. This is the biggest amount ever! Well done and thank you!

Thank you also to:

  • Parents who help in school.
  • Governors (with Steve Harris as Chairperson)
  • Your support for homework and our excellent attendance.

75 pupils will be going to Pizza Hut as their reward for 100% attendance on the 16th and 17th July.

Attendance: 2013-2014 to date is 98%

Bikeability: All Year 6 gains their Bikeability awards in the recent training.

Music Medals: 40 pupils are taking their Music Medal Awards (ABRSM) violin, flute, recorder, cornet at copper, bronze, silver or gold levels.

Dates to the end of term

8th July: New Reception Parents 3.30pm

9th July: Consultation for those wishing to discuss the report – ring the office for an appointment if you require this.

Saturday 12th July: Kirkstall Festival

Families with pupils Reception – Year 4 for Kirkstall Festival. Le Grand Tour.

Meet at school at 11.15am. Depart for Hesketh Road at 12noon. The parade will finish in the arena at 1pm. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 (only) can come independently with your permission. All other pupils must be accompanied by parents. There is no supervision once in the grounds of the festival so school accepts no responsibility once the parade finishes in the arena. Yellow T-shirt provided by school on the day (to keep).

18th July – (no more assembly) 2pm Leavers Assembly ( all school can leave when this finishes).

Year 1 -6 return to school Tuesday 2nd September

Reception Class – Half days for the first week 2nd – 5th September – Full days from Monday 8th September

Nursery back on Monday 8th September


We look forward to an excellent Year 2014 – 2015

Yours sincerely


J Turner


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