Newsletter 11th November 2014

Change to Training Day – Note New Date – Monday 5th January (see list)

Dear Parents,
Thank you for all the support for our school.
This week: Friday 14th November 2014: Children In Need and non uniform for tombola prizes.
Wednesday 19th November: Consultation Evening 3.30pm – 6.00pm: Nursery – Year 6. Please fill in the slip below for approximate appointment times. Your child’s class teacher will give you an exact time. If you need a longer appointment than is available on the evening then indicate on the slip please.

Wednesday 26th November: Winter Fair 3.15pm – 5pm: Please support us at the event and send bric-a-brac ornaments, toys, books, bottles to sell on the day.

Friday 21st November: No Family Assembly – School Photographs: 8.15am family photographs will be before school.

Dates to the end of term
14th November: Children in Need Family Assembly
21st November: No assembly – School Photographs
Wednesday 10th December: Christmas Concert 2pm – Key Stage 2
Thursday 11th December: Christmas Concert 6pm – Key stage 2
Thursday 18th December: Nativity – Last Family Assembly at 9.15am Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Yours sincerely

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