Newsletter Dec 2014 – End of Term

9th December 2014

Dear Parents/Governors

We are nearing the end of a very busy and successful term. Thank you for all your support with reading, homework and preparing your child for school!

I would particularly like to thank our Friends at Beecroft who work so hard in their money raising for our school. Thanks to all FAB who are so generous with their time.

Thank you to our Governors who work so hard behind the scenes.

Goodbyes: We are saying goodbye to three members of staff. I would like to thank all three staff Mrs Joanne Parker, Mrs Burrows-Pinn and Miss O’Brien for their generous contributions to Beecroft. We wish them every success in the future.

Staffing from January 2015

Mrs Sharman in April 2014 Governors agreed to the flexible working applications form, Mrs Helen Sharman who was on maternity leave. Mrs Sharman returns to Beecroft on the 15th December to work four mornings teaching Mathematics as agreed by Governors. She has taught at Beecroft for 10 years. Mrs Sharman will teach Year 2 Maths set with Mrs Pickering, Year 5 with the whole class and Year 3 Maths, Mrs Sharman has a Master’s Degree in Mathematics.

Mrs Burrows-Pinn: will leave in December 2014 to take a part-time post in Bradford, which is nearer home. Mrs Pickering will continue to take the whole Year 2 class as class teacher and Mrs Sharman will share the class for Maths.

Miss Michelle O’Brien: (P.E & Maths at Beecroft) is leaving in December to work in a Sports Partnership and lead P.E across a cluster of schools. This was an additional post and will not be replaced as there are P.E teachers in school.

Mrs Joanne Parker: is leaving in December after 7 years of part-time work at Beecroft. She is not taking up a post in another school.

End of Term concert: I hope that all tickets for the Christmas Concert have been purchased. Please can I remind you that, because of fire regulations, we cannot have people standing or babies on knees!

Key Stage 2 children Years 3-6 will need to return to school by 5.45pm on Thursday 11th December. The concert will finish by 6.55pm.

Nativity Thursday 18th December 9.10am: Year Reception 1 and 2

Thursday 18th December: Christmas Parties in the afternoon (pupils can bring clothing to change into).

Friday 19th December: Christmas Dinner & Break up

Tuesday 6th January 2015: Return to school after the Christmas Break.

I wish everybody a peaceful and restful holiday and all good wishes for 2015.




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