Fab Sponsored Walk in aid of Library

Sponsored Walk in aid of the Library

We are planning on holding a sponsored walk on the morning of Thursday 2nd April. All proceeds from this event will be used to improve the school library, which will help all children within the school.

The children will walk laps around Sacred Heart’s playing field. The number of laps will depend on the year of the child.

  • Years 6, 5, 4 & 3 – 10 laps
  • Years 2 & 1 – 5 laps
  • Reception – 2 laps
  • Nursery – 1 lap

There is a sponsorship form attached to this letter. Please gather sponsorship from family & friends only. DO NOT GO DOOR-TO-DOOR.

To increase the amount of money raised we will be claiming Gift Aid – so if the sponsor is a UK Income or Capital Gains taxpayer encourage them to read the Gift Aid declaration on the form, tick the Gift Aid box and enter their name and home address, including the postcode, on the sponsorship form. If they do not enter their address we cannot claim. For every pound given through the Gift Aid scheme, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, at no cost to you.

Children should return their sponsorship form(s) and monies collected in a named envelope (full name & class) by FRIDAY 24th April 2015. These can be handed into the school office.

To commemorate the event all children will have a book plate placed in a new book within the library. There will also be a prize for the child in each class who raises the most, and also the child who raises the most in the school. We will also be running a competition to guess the distance walked during the event.

The children should come to school on the morning of Thursday 2nd April in their PE kit (jogging bottoms/leggings may be appropriate), school jumpers/cardigans and waterproof coat. If the weather is wet – wellington boots may be required. They will need to bring their school uniforms to change into after the event. The event will only be postponed if the field is water-logged (text to be sent day prior).

Parents can assist on the day by helping with this event, walking with their children, or walking themselves if they wish to be sponsored. Extra forms are available at school reception. Please contact school office if you are interested in volunteering.

We thank you for participating and helping our school raise money for everyone’s benefit!


FAB (Friends at Beecroft)

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