End of Spring Term – Newsletter

Dear Parents

It has been an extremely busy and productive half term. Our school is featured in the Yorkshire Evening Post tonight as we held a special musical assembly for Gail Webb the retiring director of learning at Leeds City Council. We presented her with a felt made by our pupils.

Comic Relief: £233 was raised! Well Done!

Mini Ofsted: An Ofsted Inspector, Peter Marsh, visited Beecroft for a day on the 20th March, at our request to look at the quality of learning in the school. Mr Marsh looked at lessons and pupils books in the whole school and watched an assembly. He was very impressed! The full report will be on the Beecroft website by the end of term. He quoted from the 2010 report and added: “Beecroft was an outstanding school that has sustained high performance and excellence over time. The leadership and management, by the Headteacher, are central to the drive for the highest standards of achievement for all pupils and this still prevails”. All aspects of the school are highly impressive. Pupils thrive in this high performing and caring school, which is a first class example of its kind”

Rugby Success: In the recent competition Beecroft won 11-10 (Lower Wortley).

Sponsored Walk for our new Library: Thursday 2nd April 2015

Please collect sponsors! Pupils will do laps of the school field to raise money for new books. £10 per child would raise £2500. Can we make that target? We want all pupils to have a book plate in a new book because they have raised money. Please help.

On the day – Pupils wear old trousers/track suite bottoms with uniform top (bring school trousers/skirt to change into) Wellies or trainers for the day. Return collected money and form by Monday 20th April. Thanks to FAB.

Family Assembly: Friday 27th March: Easter/Spring Assembly and Easter Egg Competition. Music/flutes, recorders, violins (orchestra) and ukulele in assembly.

Break up for Easter – Thursday 2nd April 2015

Return to school – Monday 20th April 2015

Thank you for all your support.




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