Newsletter June 2015

Dear Parents,

Thank you FAB: Our thanks go to FAB for the sponsor money of over £4000 (without gift aid).  We look forward to spending this – together with money from our school budget on books for our new library.

Thank you for all the support for our Summer Fair.  Once again the hard work has made it very successful. THANK YOU!

New Library: After much hard work, including the sorting of technical difficulties, I am pleased to inform you that work will start (off site at first) on Monday 22nd June. Work on-site will start in Year 2 and Year 6 classrooms on 6th July.  The first stage is the positioning of steel work so that the library can be built on the roof next to the studio.

Reception 2015-2016: We have held our introductory parent meetings and will be welcoming 45 pupils and their families in September.

Return Date to School and Holidays: Please can I respectfully remind you that the start date for school is Wednesday 9th September.  This is a later start then usual at the end of a 7 week holiday.  It is not acceptable to extend holidays into the new term. Absence on the 9th September, can result in the loss of a school place.

Sweets: Sweets and chocolate are not allowed in school.  Birthday sweets and cakes are also not accepted.  Beecroft operates a healthy eating policy and provides free fruit at break times. Thank you.

Class Teachers 2015-2016: Mr Ward is moving to Guiseley Infant School and Miss Burrows is working part time at Ireland Wood Primary School as well as completing a psychotherapy course.  We thank both staff members and wish them well.

The following teachers will be in post in September.

Nursery: Miss Stuart

Reception 1: Miss Bird

Reception 2: Mrs Chandler

Year 1: Miss Daniel

Year 1: Mrs Walker

Year 2: Miss Bellamy (new)

Year 2/3: Mrs Pickering (Deputy Head)

Year 3: Miss Goodwin

Year 4: Mr Smithson (experienced and new)

Year 5: Mr Campbell

Year 6: Miss Brown (Miss Turner –English)

Art: Mrs Hardy: Key Stage 1 and Mrs Pickard : Key Stage 2

Mrs Sharman: Maths sets

Kirkstall Festival: Seaside Special – Saturday 11th July

Meet at school at 11.15am. Depart for Hesketh Road at 12noon. The parade will finish in the arena at 1pm. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 (only) can come independently with your permission. All other pupils must be accompanied by parents. There is no supervision once  in the grounds of the festival so school accepts no responsibility once the parade finishes in the arena.

Dates For Your Diary:

Wednesday 1st July – 6pm (pupils arrive in uniform at 5.50pm)

Key Stage 2 music – ukulele, flute, violin, recorder, cornet, drama, dance and singing.  All pupils are taking part. (tickets  £1.00)

Friday 3rd July: Reports to parents.

Friday 10th July: Year 6 Test results to parents.

Tuesday 14th July 9.10am: Sports Day (more later)

Friday 17th July: Leavers Family Assembly 2.15pm.


Yours sincerely





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