30th November Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We are in the last few weeks of a very busy and successful term.  Thank you for all your support with reading, homework and preparing your child for school.

A particularly ‘big thank-you’ to our Friends At Beecroft who work so hard to raise money for school.  Thanks to all who contributed to the Winter Fair. Thanks to all our Governors who work so hard behind the scenes.

Parking on Sandford Road and around School  – We have continued to have a strong staff presence on the road.  Pupils’ have participated in community policing.  Thanks to all the parents, friends and relatives who have supported.  There is still, however, some people who are letting the school down by continuing to get very close to the gate.  We have photographed registration numbers and have passed them to the police.  Thank you again to all of you who are supporting our school.  Milford Club car park is still available.

Maternity Leave Staffing – Mrs Sharman left on 26th November for Maternity Leave.  We wish her well.

There is setting for Mathematics in Year 3, 4 and 5 provided by Mr Schofield and the Class Teacher.

Year 6 sets are between Miss Turner and Miss Brown for Mathematics and English.  We try to provide smaller group teaching to target the learning successfully.

Learning about Christmas and Christianity – Years 4 and 5 are visiting the Baptist Church in Headingley to join with other schools on the ‘Meaning of Christmas’ workshop.  Year 6 are visiting Leeds Minster on Wednesday 2nd December.

All classes are learning about Advent and Christmas.  All pupils will be making a Christingle.

Letter from The Deputy Director of Education

The letter attached celebrates our success as a school.  It reflects the hard work and team effort of all of us so that Beecroft pupils get the very best start in life.


Dates for your Diary

  • Key Stage 2 concert (see letter attached).


Wednesday 2 December – Y6 Leeds Minster

Tuesday 8 December – Christmas Concert 2pm

Wednesday 9 December – Christmas Concert 6pm

Thursday 17 December – Family Assembly Nativity Reception and Key Stage 1

Thursday 17 December – Afternoon Parties

Friday 18 December – School closes for Christmas

Monday 4 January 2016 – School opens for the new term.


Yours sincerely




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