February Newsletter 2016

Dear Parents,

Library Success: (£200,000) We are delighted that our new library is nearing completion.  We have spent £9,600 on new books.  This magnificent sum includes the £4000 sponsor money from FAB.  Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have contributed to 2 felts – The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Kensuke’s Kingdom which are on display in the library.

World Book Day Thursday 3rd March: Come to school dressed as a book character! Classes will visit the new library for a story session.

Clubs: Extra Curricular: The clubs in place are – Virgin Active, Leeds Rhinos for next half term, Football, Dance, Netball.  ICT, Drama for March, Orchestra, Choir, First Aid, Fair-trade, Art Club, Board Games.


Music Group Members: Year 4 -6 (£2,300 spent on music)

Violin  – 15 (copper to gold)

Flute – 18 (copper to gold)

Recorder 1 – 14 (copper to gold)

Recorder 2 – 15 (copper – beginner)

Ukulele – 24

Year 3 class music including learning to play the recorder. There are 10 pupils nearly ready for copper music medals in recorder.


Trips & Visits:

Year 5 – Visit to York for the Vikings.

Year 6 – Visit to Boggle Hole Whitby Residential 14th – 16th March

Year 5 – Residential Nell Bank – May 2016

Year 3 – Leeds Minister


ICT Spending: £40,000 spent on upgrading our ICT.


E-Safety: All classes have been working on E-Safety as part of Safer Internet Day.  If you want advice please see www.kidsmart.org.uk.


Prevent Training:  All staff have received training.


Attendance and Holidays/Extended /Leave During Term Time.

We have started to refer families for penalty notices (fines) when pupils go out of school on holidays in this country or extended leave abroad.  There is no apology for this as for some time we have explained the disruption and impact on a child and class education by the leave.  All unauthorised leave from September 2015 onwards has resulted in a penalty notice issued by the council.  Both parents receive a fine of £60.00 and the fine also applies to each child.  The minimum payable for one child with 2 parents is £120.00.

Average attendance across the country is 95% and pupils with attendance below this fail to make the necessary progress.  Thank you to all our families who always support us!  Please do not request holidays/leave in term time as it will be unauthorised and will result in a fine.


Visit of Norwegian teachers: – Monday 22nd February

We are hosting a training day for Norwegian teachers who are coming to look at the high quality work of pupils at Beecroft. This is an honour to be chosen to host this event.


Thank you for all your support.


Break up for half term Friday 12th February. Return to school Monday 22nd February


Yours sincerely






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