Newsletter March 2016

Dear Parents,

Library: It is just a year ago that I wrote about our plans for a new library.  I am pleased to announce that following a spend of £180,000 and £9,600 on the building and books respectively, it is now ready for use.    Our World Book Day, had story reading in the library, thanks to Miss Cathy Breeze and Mrs Stephanie Cassidy.  All classes had this privilege.

In the next two weeks, pupils’ will choose a book for their personal donation plate and all classes will be reading in the library prior to borrowing a book.

Grand Opening of the Library: Friday 29th April: Dr Gervase Phinn author and speaker will open the library with pupils and special guests at 10am and then there will be a celebration for all parents and visitors in the hall at 10.30am.  There will be more information nearer the time.

Sports Relief Friday 18th March: All pupils’ at Beecroft will be taking part in a ‘Sport Relief Circuit’. Please bring a voluntary donation of £1.  All money will be donated to Sports’ Relief.  Visit for more information.

Attendance: On a less positive note – 350 days have been missed between September 2015 and February 2016 because of holidays.  Holidays in term time will not be authorised and result in a fine.  If a child is off for 20 days then pupils’ will be taken off roll so losing their place.

Fairtrade 28 February to 11 March: Children will have the opportunity to buy fair trade chocolate and biscuits at dinner time.  Items available range in price from 35p,70p and £1. Please do not bring more than £1.



14-16 March:             Year 6 residential to Boggle Hole near Robin Hood’s bay in North Yorkshire

18 March:                  Year 5 Baptist Church

18 March:                  Sports Relief Circuits


EASTER WEEKEND – Break up Thursday 25th March and return to school Tuesday 29th March.


Spring Holiday – Break up Friday 1st April. Return to school on Monday 18th April


Wednesday 20th April:         Consultation evening 3 – 6pm.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me, if you have any concerns. Thank you to all our parents who support punctuality and a high level of attendance.






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