Spring Newsletter 2016

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the support during the Spring Term.

Trips & Visits: Year 6 has enjoyed a three day residential to Boggle Hole near Whitby. Thanks to all the staff who volunteered for this venture.

Year 3: Skelton Grange

Year 1, 2: St Stephen’s Church

Year 5: Easter at South Parade Baptist Church

Fair Trade Fortnight: Thank you for your support during Fair Trade Fortnight. The school has raised £250.00.

Sports’ Relief: All the school participated in Sports Relief Circuits. £173.87 was raised for Sports’ Relief.

Thursday 31st  March: Mr P Marsh (School Improvement Partner and Ofsted Inspector) will be monitoring the school.

Spring Assembly: Family Assembly – Friday 1st April Orchestra – flutes, violins, recorders, will play.  Ukulele will also be playing in assembly, Drama Club will be performing.

Break up for Spring Holidays – Friday 1st April. Return to school – Monday 18th April

Future Dates

  1. Consultation Evening: Wednesday 20th April 3.30pm-6pm (Please fill in the slip and exact times will be returned) This is the first week back after the holiday.
  2. Opening of Library: Dr Gervase Phinn author and speaker from 10.00am. Friday 29th April.       All Parents invited.

Yours sincerely




Consultation Evening

Wednesday 20th April 3.30pm – 6.00pm

Name of Child………………………………………..        Class……………………………..


3.30 – 4.00                                        5.00 – 5.30


4.00 – 4.30                                        5.30 – 5.45


4.30 – 5.00

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