End of Term May 27th – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I would like to start by thanking you, once again for all the support. Those of you who have whole-heartedly supported Park and Stride because of our parking issue on Sandford Road, Thank you. We would like this to continue.

Thank you to the majority who supported good attendance.

Attendance – 97% to the end of May.

Unfortunately holidays taken in term time have been the biggest factor in the 1% decrease for our 98% at this time last year.


Residential Visits: Two very successful residential visits have been held for Year 5 to Nell Bank and Year 6 to Boggle Hole. Thanks to the staff who have given up their time.

Grand Library Opening: This was a wonderful celebration event when Dr Gervase Phinn gave his time and talents. The event was a huge success; our orchestra, ensemble groups, singing and speaking added to the occasion.  The library is in full use and it is a wonderful addition to our learning spaces.

Year 6: Our Year 6 worked very hard for their tests and had an excellent attitude throughout. The standard expected is considerably harder than in previous years so well done!

Reception 2016: We have been commissioned to take 45 Reception Class children who will be organised into 2 classes.

We break for Spring Bank Holiday on Friday 27th May.  We return to school on Wednesday 8th June.

Park & Stride & Walk to school: The prize draw of a scooter and love to shop vouchers will be at Family Assembly on the 10th June.  Raffle tickets will be given out after the holidays.

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 8th June: Return to school

Friday 10th June: Non-Uniform Day For Tombola Prize

Wednesday 22nd June: Summer Fair

Wednesday 29th June: 3.30 – New Reception Parents

Friday 1st July: Family Assembly: New Reception Parents 2016 and school

Saturday 9th July: Kirkstall Festival Heroes & Heroines 11.15am – 1pm

Friday 22nd July: Reports out to all school

Friday 22nd July: Sports Day (no family assembly)

25th & 26th July: Pizza Hut (100% Attendance)

Wednesday 27th July: Family Leavers Assembly 2.15pm

Yours sincerely



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