Newletter 1st July 2016

Dear Parents,

The end of term and the end of our school year is starting to ‘creep up’.

School Fair: Thank you very much for your generosity and huge support for FAB and school in raising approximately £1400.00. This is tremendous! Well done to FAB and all our parents and pupils.

Friday 8th July 9am-10am Invitation: School is open for you to go into class and look at your child’s work with your child. You can then look at work on display in school areas. Music will be playing in the hall at 9.15am.

Saturday 9th July – Kirkstall Festival- Heros & Heroines: We are holding a class competition for the best class costumes which are being made, in school, on the theme of ‘heros & heroines’. Costumes will be collected in school on Saturday meet at 11.15am at Beecroft.  Depart from Hesketh Road at 12noon.   The parade will finish in the arena at 1pm.  Pupils in Year 5 &6 (only) can come independently with your permission.  All other pupils must be accompanied by parents.  There is no supervision on the grounds of the festival so school accepts no responsibility once the parade has finished in the arena.

Please support this very special annual community event.

Park and Stride: Please continue to support us. We have received this supportive feedback from Leeds City Council in an email from Anne the active travel representative. “The Park and Stride is having a positive impact on the area…. I have never seen so many parents attend our assembly 100+, a hall full including brilliantly behaved pupils, the school orchestra, violin, recorders and flutes.  In all the years I have done this job (park & stride active travel), I have never felt so welcome in a school”.  Please see the website for the full comment.

Kirkstall Art Trail 16th & 17th July 10-5pm. Beecroft artwork will be displayed in St Stephen’s Church Hall (see Twitter, Google, Facebook ‘Kirkstall Art Trail’).

Dates to the end of term

Friday 8th July: Classroom opens 9-10am to look at work with your child.

Saturday 9th July: 11.15am Kirkstall Festival

Friday 15th July: Family Assembly (Drama Club)

18th – 20th July: Bikeability Year 6

21st July: Year 1 Tropical World

22nd July: Reports out to whole school / Provisional Sports Day (no Family Assembly)

Wednesday 27th July:  Final Leavers Family Assembly 1.45pm (Pupils can leave with parents if this finishes before 3.15pm).

Once again thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely



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