Newsletter October 2016

Dear Parents,

The start of the new school year has been a successful one. Thank you for supporting our Harvest Festival and for being so generous with your contributions of food.  The Harvest has gone to St George’s Crypt for the homeless, to your nominated families and £60 has been sent to Caring for Life, a charity that supports those with disabilities. Thank you!

School Parking: Thank you for taking your responsibility for parking safely seriously. I am still concerned that those parents who speak of their ‘rights’ are putting the safety of their children at risk.  It is now a year since we requested that parents park in the Milford Club car park and I hope that more parents will choose to support us in this matter.  Our school cannot be responsible for any accidents which occur as a result of irresponsible parking.

Open Evening and Open Morning Thursday 10 November 6.00 – 7.30pm and Friday 11 November 9.15 – 11.00am. All our parents and any prospective parents are welcome at both these events.  Music will be played by our instrumentalists in the hall.  There will be work on display and an opportunity to look around the classrooms.

School Start Time is 8.50am. Doors and gates will be locked so that teachers can register their class.  When doors are closed please bring your child to the front entrance (path round the side of Nursery).  Children should be in the playground at 8.45am ready for the start of school.  Please allow time. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please collect your child promptly at 3.15pm or at the end of the clubs at 4.15pm.

Home School Agreement: We ask all parents to sign an agreement, at the start of school life.  It is about ‘basics’ only.  A copy is attached as a reminder that in accepting a place at the school, these are the fundamentals.

  • School dress, punctuality, home-school reading homework. Please refresh our joint commitment to all our pupils’ success.
  • Uniform, earnings and haircuts: we are proud of the uniform which sets the tone of the school. Please follow the recommendation in the prospectus that ‘hair cuts’ are school cuts – not shaved heads or patterned hair. Girls – earrings are 1 stud in each ear. Thank you.  Thursday 10 November      Open Evening – 6.00–7.30pmFriday 18 November            Children In NeedWednesday 23 November  Consultation EveningWednesday 7 December    Evening Christmas ConcertThursday 15 December      Christmas PartiesMonday 3 January               School OpenIf you have any matters you want to discuss please don’t hesitate in making an appointment.Yours sincerely Head teacher
  • J.Turner
  • Friday 16 December            Break up for Christmas Holidays
  • Thursday 15 December      KS1 Performance
  • Tuesday 6 December          Afternoon Christmas Concert
  • Tuesday 22 November        School Photographs
  • Friday 11 November            Opening Morning – 9.15-11.00am
  • Friday 21 October                Half Term. Return Tuesday 1st November.
  • Dates for the Autumn Term
  • We break up for half-term on Friday 21 October and return to school on Tuesday 1st November. No family assembly Friday 21 October.
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