Newsletter February 2017

Dear Parents,
Good News! Please see the letter from nick gibb mp congratulating Beecroft Primary School for being in the top 3% of schools nationally for progress from Key Stage 1 to 2.

Attendance for 2015-2016 overall is 97.4% and from September 2016 to February 2017 is 98.1%. However persistent absence has been re-defined as attendance below 90% Sadly 4.4% of Beecroft pupils 2015-2016 are named in the category persistent absence: often this is holidays in term time together with illness. All pupils with attendance below 90% have not made the necessary progress in school. Please make attendance, at school the highest priority. We cannot authorise or condone holidays taken during the school year term.  We will be writing to those pupils who have 90% attendance and below to date.  Well done the majority of pupils with excellent attendance.

Design Technology Project:
Year 6 have been working with Dixon’s Technology College ICSAT on a design project to make an electronic board game to be used on an aircraft. Year 6 high quality work will be on display in the entrance. Mr Russell, at ICSAT, (Inspirational Curriculum Support Advice & Training) said this about our pupils, The last two days have been some of the most memorable and enjoyable ones I have had in the classroom for a long time, the pupils were a credit to the school, the outcomes were impressive.”

Herd Farm:
Year 5, despite the inclement, weather are enjoying their residential to Herd Farm this week.

Fair Trade Fortnight:
From 27th February it is Fair Trade Fortnight.  Pupils will be able to buy Fair Trade products if they bring 20p, 50p, or a £1 coin (maximum) from Monday week 27th February.

World Book Day:
Friday 3rd March at Beecroft (special library session.)

Dates for the Half-Term:
Friday 24th March: Red Nose Day
Friday 31st March: Musical Family Assembly
Break up for Easter to Tuesday 18th April

Yours sincerely

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