25th May 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continuing support. The majority of parents were very supportive of Year 6 during their test week. Year 6 worked extremely hard and we are very proud of their attitudes to work.  Our ‘free’ breakfast was well attended and made a sense of occasion and good start!

Reception 2017: 45 pupils have been allocated places and will be accommodated in two classes.

Trips & Visits: Successful trips have taken place to:-

Year 1/2 & Year 2        –           Garden Centre

Year 3ES & 3M           –           Nell Bank – Iron Age Studies

Year 4                          –           Nell Bank – Pond & Mini Beast Studies

Year 5                          –           Veolia – Re-cycling Trip

Year 5                          –           Triathlon at John Charles Centre

Year 6                          –           Grassington – River Studies

Sport: Rugby, triathlon and tag sports have taken place with other local schools. All activities were thoroughly enjoyed.

Attendance: 98.2% to the end of May 2017.

Uniform: Summer uniform – blue gingham dress, school shorts, school trousers and polo shirt.

From September 2017 Black school shoes will be expected. (not boots, Doctor Martins, trainers)

(P.E games – ‘cheap’ trainers for the field).

Dates for your diary:

Friday 26th May – No family assembly.

Wednesday 7th June – Return to school

Thursday 8th June – Election Day School closed

Friday 9th June – School Open

Thursday 15th June – Non-Uniform Day (pupils to bring jars or tombola prize)

Wednesday 21st June: School Summer Fair.

Thank you for your continuing support.


Yours sincerely



  1. Turner



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