June 2017 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

The end of term and the end of our school year is starting to ‘creep up’.

School Fair: Thank you very much for your generosity and huge support for FAB and school in raising £1200.00.This is tremendous! Well done to FAB and all our parents and pupils.

Open Morning: This once again was very successful. Thank you for your support.  You will have noticed our new Design & Technology area where pupils were working with Brian Russell from ICSAT at Dixons College in Bradford.  There was music from flutes and recorders in the entrance and a very high quality of pupils’ work around the school.

Sports Day – Friday 7th July: Sports Day – Parents are welcome on the field.

Key Stage One – 9.15am -10.30am

Key Stage Two – 10.45am – 12noon

Kirkstall Festival – Saturday 8th July: ‘All Singing-All Dancing’ Pupils will be making hats and bow ties in school.  If girls have dance outfits or party dresses then please wear them.  Shorts,T-shirts and bow ties can be worn by boys and girls.  Meet at school at 11.30am and the parade starts on Hesketh Road at 12noon.  The parade will finish in the arena at 1pm.  Pupils in Year 5 and 6 (only) can come independently with your permission.  All other pupils MUST be accompanied by parents.  There is no supervision on the grounds of the festival N.B SUPERVISION AND CARE IS ENTIRELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS AND CARERS.  The school accepts no responsibility once the parade has finished, and parents/carers are responsible during the parade.

Kirkstall Art Trail – 15th & 16th July: Beecroft artwork will be displayed in St Stephen’s Church Hall (see Twitter, Google, Facebook ‘Kirkstall Art Trail’)

Dates to the end of term

Friday 7th July – Sports Day

Saturday 8th July – Kirkstall Festival

10th,11th, 12th July – Bikeability – Year 6

Friday 14th July – Family Assembly Music Key Stage Two (Flutes,violins,orchestra,djembe,ukuele

Wednesday 19th July – Reports out whole school

Monday 24th July – Consultation on reports available.

Tuesday 25th July –  Pizza Hut Key Stage 2

Wednesday 26th July – Pizza Hut  Key Stage 1

Wednesday 26th July – Final Leavers Assembly Year 6 at 1.45pm Family Assembly


Yours sincerely



  1. Turner


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