April Newsletter 2018

Dear Parents,


Election Day: Thursday 3rd May – School Closed

Beecroft is closed on 3rd May as the school is used as a polling station.

School open – 4th May

May Bank Holiday – 7th May School Closed


Building Work: As you can see half the school has been demolished during the Easter break and works for the new build are well underway. We look forward to its completion in September 2018.

Attendance – sickness absence: If your child is ill or going to be late due to an appointment, please ring the school office by 9.00am.

Year 6 – Easter Holiday Booster Classes: Four teachers (Mr Campbell, Miss Smyth, Mrs Walker and Miss Baker) gave up three mornings during the school holiday for Year 6 revision sessions. The majority of the class took advantage of this opportunity and to quote Mr Campbell, “Attitudes were fantastic and pupils showed great determination to succeed”. Each of the three mornings were split into four fun sessions of spelling, grammar, mathematics and reading comprehension and were designed to increase children’s confidence going into SAT’s week. The course was a great success.

Easter Egg Competition & Music Assembly: This was a highlight of the term in the final Family Assembly before Easter.

Autism Awareness Courses: All staff are participating in autism awareness courses and Miss Turner and Miss Brown are having two additional training days at Tier 2 and Tier 3 level.

Interviews: Interviews are being held in school on 3 days week beginning 23rd April. With this in mind there will not be a family assembly on Friday 27th April.

Next Family Assembly is 4th May 2018

Year 3ES and Miss Crathrone Y4LC – Thursday 26th April: Trip to the Carriageworks Theatre.

Dates  For Your Diary

Thursday 26th April – Y3 & Y4 LC trip to Carriageworks

Friday 27th April – No Family Assembly

Thursday 3rd May – School Closed and 7th May Bank Holiday School Closed

Friday 4th May – Family Assembly

Friday 11th May – No Family Assembly

Monday 14th May – Y3ES Nell Bank Trip

Friday 18th May – Family Assembly

Friday 25th May – No Family Assembly

Week Commencing -14th May – 17th May – Year 6 Test Week

Yours sincerely




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