July 2018 Well-Being Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Half-termly we will produce a wellbeing newsletter to let you know what we are doing.  This will be about our emotional health and our healthy lifestyles.

We think that it is important that pupils feel

  • safe and happy in school and that they can express themselves when they need help
  • that they know who to ask for help (TELL – see over)
  • that we, through our actions in school enable each child to be healthy both physically and emotionally
  • that we teach pupils how to learn and that it is ok to make mistakes whilst learning
Our wellbeing governors are:

Mrs Pat Gradys (Vice-chair)

Mrs Sarah Lord (parent governor with a child in year 5 going into year 6)

Our activities and advice in school is not new but we will let you know more about what we do on a daily and weekly basis in this half-termly letter.

Before the end of term:

  • each class will be doing the daily mile around the field (walking or running)
  • TELLEmotional Health Matters – Our leaflet has been useful in school for a number a years. We regularly talk with children in class and assemblies (see over).
  • This is Beecroft’s TELL leaflet Talk to us

Explain your worries

Let us know your feelings

Listen and we will help

  • We talk about any worries – not just ones that may be ‘serious’ as it is important that children know that we are here to care and support. We want our children to be happy, secure and emotionally healthy and the message is a regular theme in assemblies and class. Encourage your child to TELL and you tell us too if there are worries and concerns – however small. Ask your child if there is anything to tell. Ask your child to tell you about anything that happens in school.
  • Outdoor Activities and Emotion Well Being Day – Thursday 12th July – Physical activities and visitors to work with pupils on Emotional Well-Being.

Looking forward:      Internet safety is a hot topic in the news.  In September we will be re-visiting safety in school.

In the meantime, I am sure that you have seen the news on the addictive nature of games on the internet.  Please limit screen time and look out for ‘fortnite’ a game, whilst for 12-14, is being played by younger children and is highly addictive and has been in the news.

If there is any time when your child is upset then please make an appointment with myself to discuss the best course of action.  Our Learning Mentor is also available Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Yours sincerely

J Turner



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