Newsletter 23rd October

Dear Parents,

Harvest: Thank you for all the generous gifts for harvest. People in the community, have benefited from these gifts and St George’s Crypt and Caring For Life. The latter distributes food parcels to those in need.

Music Medals: Congratulations to the 45 children who were presented with music medals

at copper, bronze and silver for recorder, flute and violin. This is a tremendous achievement as pupils can read music, play parts in pairs (ensemble) and play a solo.

Pupils say “I love being able to play a musical instrument”, either djembe, violin, flute, ukulele or recorder.

Clubs – Extra curriculum activities: Teaching staff give freely to run all the clubs we have after school. They include – rugby, football, dance, drama, art, choir – key stage 1 and key stage 2 reading, library – the list is endless!

Homework: Reading, times-tables and spelling are the key homework areas. Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum words expected to be learned for the age-group. Encourage your child to read with you at home right up to Year 6. If you have concerns regarding the homework or your child is reluctant then please let us know. The homework in Year Reception – Year 5 should only take 20 to 30 minutes each evening.

Our New Building: During half-term the wall will be re-built, coloured trespa will be added around the glass and various snagging will be carried out. Plans for bike storage are in place.

Parent Support: We need your support for our school. Please complete Parent View (link on website) – but if you do not feel positive about an aspect of the school then tell us – then we can put things right.

We break up on Friday 26th October – Return to school Tuesday 6th November

Dates for your diary

24th October 2018 – Consultation Evening 3-6pm (Y6 will be separate from 9am-3pm)

26th October 2018 – Wellbeing Day

2nd November 2018 – Family Assembly

15th November 2018– Open Evening (6-7:30pm)

16th November 2018 – Open Morning (9:15-11am) Children in Need (in the afternoon, children in uniform) – No Family Assembly

30th November 2018 – Family Assembly

11th December 2018 – Christmas Concert (Afternoon)

12th December 2018 – Christmas Concert (Evening)

14th December 2018 – Family Assembly

21st December 2018 – KS1 Nativity/Christmas Lunch and parties (pm)



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