Newsletter – November 2018

Dear Parents,

I would like to start by thanking you for the excellent turn out for our open evening and morning. I am sure you will agree that it was a time to enjoy Beecroft at its best. All pupils had their quality work on display and the hall exemplified high level writing as well as the exciting projects from Design & Technology. The event started with our orchestra playing in the hall. We had approximately 50 new parents who commented particularly on the confidence of our children as they proudly explained the Beecroft story.

Children in Need – Well done to all classes for the magnificent total of £406.39 which will go to Children in Need. Each class held its own stalls and games and pupils enjoyed participating and buying buns. Well done!

Well-Being Day – Our well-being day, at the end of last half-term, was very productive and enjoyable. Thanks to the parents and our well-being governors who gave their time and talents.

Getting to School on Time – School starts at 8.50am (10 minutes to 9). Please will you ensure that pupils are on time and in the playground for the start of school.

Wednesday 28th November – Winter Fair – We want to encourage as many parents as possible to come to help with this money raising event. It is about all our community joining together to raise money for our children. Please come for 1.15pm on Wednesday 28th November to set out the stalls. We need bric-a-brac – ornaments, books, cakes and buns  to be brought in on the day. Can pupils start to bring items into school please.

Trips & Visits – We have visits to the temple, mosque and church – Leeds Minister. Year 4 have – Rewind to Christmas at South Parade Baptist Church.

Dinner Money – Must be handed in every Monday morning to the class teacher in an envelope with your child’s name and class on it.

23rd November – School Photographs

22nd November – Non-uniform day for a tombola prize – chocolates, unwanted gifts, wine

30th November – Family Assembly

3rd December – Flu Immunisation – (Reception – Year 5)

7th December – School Closed Training Day

18th December – (New Date) – Christmas Concert – 2pm – ‘Gold to Bethlehem’ (Y3 – Y6)

19th December – (New Date) – Christmas Concert – 6pm – ‘Gold to Bethlehem’ (Y3 – Y6)

21st December – Reception Nativity and parties

Break up on 21st December and return on the 7th January 2019

We thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely


  1. Turner


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