December 2018 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Winter Fair: Thanks to FAB and our parents and friends across the school who contributed to our successful Winter Fair last week. It was an enjoyable event. The total raised was 1000.00. Thankyou.

School Questionnaire: Thank you for filling in the questionnaire we sent last week. The results to be published, on the website, are overwhelmingly positive 170 out of 223 families filled in the survey (76.23%). In all categories the vast majority of parents agree or strongly agree that the school keeps their child safe and that they would recommend the school. On a different note, if you do have any concerns, of any kind, or questions or suggestions please let me or your child’s class teacher know. We want to provide the best and you can work in partnership with us to help us to do this.

School Start Time: 8.50am (pupils should be in the playground at 8.45)

School Finish Time: 3.15pm (pupils should be picked up promptly from the playground)

Leaving to go to another country: We need at least 6 weeks’ notice. There are forms to fill in and we need to know your forwarding address and the address and name of the school your child will attend. If there is insufficient information your child will be classed as ‘missing in education’ and that becomes a safeguarding issue.

Tickets: Concert Key Stage 2 – 18th December at 2pm – £1.00 each per ticket.

18th December at 6pm – £1.00 each per ticket.

(Gold to Bethlehem – 2 tickets in the first instance)


Reception, Y1 and Y2 – Nativity: 21st December


Dates for your diary

7th December – School Closed – Training Day

From week commencing 17th December there will not be any after school activity clubs because of the concert.

Break up on 21st December and return on 7th January

We thank you for your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any matters you would like to discuss.


Yours sincerely





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