Well-being Newsletter December 2018

Dear Parents,

We are coming to the end of a very successful series of Mind Mate lessons where children have looked at ‘being a good friend’, resilience and anti-bullying.

We held an ‘odd socks’ anti-bullying day.  We have a pro-active approach to treating one another with respect.  Assemblies, lesson time and discussion celebrates our differences and what we have in common.  We liken the school to a big family where we treat each other kindly.  We try to help children to make friends and resolve problems.  We also encourage children to discuss any difficulties that may have caused them upset – like fall-outs with friends.

We rarely have cases of ‘bullying’ but we are never complacement.  Parents would always be involved from the outset and a restorative approach would be taken.  Pushing and play-fighting is not allowed in school and I would always ring parents immediately if any physical contact took place.

The key to our school is constant discussion at individual, classroom and whole school level so that our pupils live the culture of respect, support and friendliness to one another.

Our wellbeing governors are:

Mrs Pat Gradys (Vice-chair)

Mrs Sarah Lord (parent governor with a child in year 5 going into year 6)

Mental Health Lead : Miss S Smyth


Fun: We hope you enjoyed our Christmas Concerts because we have had a lot of fun performing.


Next Well-being Day:                    Friday 15th February 2019

Thanks to all the helpers on the last day we held.

Yours sincerely


J Turner


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