June 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I hope that you feel that the year is progressing well for your children in school. It has certainly been very busy and it seems amazing that this time last year we were in the middle of a major building project.

Adventure Playground: Problems with heavy rainfall means that the builders are having to do extra work on the landscape. Your chance to try it out is Friday 5th July at 9.00am! Come prepared!

Bike Racks & Shelter: These are in the process of being installed.

Trips & Visits: Classes are enjoying their visits to:-

Y1 – Tropical World

Y5 – Leeds Discovery Centre for their transition work to Year 6

Y4 – Magna in Rotherham

TELLEmotional Health Matters – Our leaflet has been useful in school for a number of years. We regularly talk with children in class and assemblies (see over).

This is Beecroft’s TELL leaflet          Talk to us

Explain your worries

Let us know your feelings

Listen and we will help

We talk about any worries – not just ones that may be ‘serious’ as it is important that children know that we are here to care and support. We want our children to be happy, secure and emotionally healthy and the message is a regular theme in assemblies and class. Encourage your child to TELL you and tell us too if there are worries and concerns – however small.

Transition between classes will be happening week beginning 15th July when children will meet their new teacher before the summer.  It will help with those insecurities that may happen when a change of class is due.

Sports Day Friday 19th July – Parents are welcome on the field.

Key Stage One – 9.15am – 10.30am

Key Stage Two – 10.45am – 12 noon

Kirkstall Festival – Saturday 13th July – ‘Down on the Farm’ Pupils will be making costumes in school. Meet at school at 11.30am and the parade starts on Hesketh Road at 12  noon. The parade will finish in the arena at 1pm. Pupils in Year 5 and 6 (only) can come independently with your permission. All other pupils MUST be accompanied by parents. There is no supervision on the grounds of the festival N.B SUPERVISION AND CARE IS ENTIRELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS AND CARERS. The school accepts no responsibility once the parade has finished, and parents/carers are responsible during the parade.

Kirkstall Art Trail 20th & 21st July – Beecroft artwork will be displayed in Kirkstall Leisure Centre (see Twitter, Google, Facebook ‘Kirkstall Art Trail’)

Family Assembly:

28th  June – Tombola Prize (for non- uniform day)

12th July – KS2 Music Assembly 9.00am and 2.00pm


May Day 2020 – The date for May Day next year has now been changed to May 8th 2020.

Training Day Amendment – Training Day is changing from 29th November 2019 to 2nd June 2020 (see attached final calendar)

Dates for your diary

19th June – New Parents Meeting 3.15pm (Individual meetings pm)

28th June – Non-Uniform Day

3rd July – Summer Fair 3.15pm– 5.30pm

5th July – Reports home to parents

5th July – Invitation to Councillors to look around the school: Adventure Playground open at

9.00am to parents. Hall set up for viewing at 9.10am

12th July KS2 Music, singing drama assembly 9.00am and 2pm (2 sittings)

13th July – Kirkstall Festival – Meet at 11.15 school (11.30am Hesketh Road)

17th July – Parent Consultation – 3.15pm – 6.00 pm

19th July – Sports Day – KS1 9.15 am – KS2 10.45 – 12.00 noon

22nd July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Family Assembly



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