Newsletter November 2019

Dear Parents,

Reminder: Thursday 12th December Election Day School Closed.

Thank you: Open Evening and Morning: Our open evening and morning was a tremendous occasion. Parents, children, visitors all enjoyed our open sessions. School Council and Year 6 were proud ambassadors of the school and it was commented upon that they were confident, articulate, happy and proud to be part of Beecroft. Well done school council! Pupils’ demonstrated their work, made bee broches in D.T, felt making in art and our orchestra, including beginners – performed with enthusiasm.

It was a joy to see our fastly growing FAB group of parents making tea and coffee and playing a full part in the occasion. Thank you to our governors who had a strong presence in the hall. It is always good to see the high standard of work, on display from all classes and to come together as a community to celebrate our success. 50 prospective families visited.

Thank you again to everyone who helped to make the occasion so successful.

Attendance: Percentage to date for our school is 97.6%. Please inform us on the first day of absence and follow this up with a note on your child’s return. Please take holidays during the school holiday period.

Consultation Evening: Reception – Year 5 – Wednesday 4th December 3.15pm – 5.45pm

Year 6 – Monday 9th December 12noon – 4.00pm (not those who have already attended)

Children in Need: Our efforts raised £230.00

Christmas Concert: Victorian Villainy – Key Stage 2

Tuesday 17th December at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. All pupils in Key Stage 2 are taking part and will be needed at every performance which will finish at 7.00pm

5th December: International Day of Volunteering: Did you know that Beecroft staff are not paid for running clubs.It is a voluntary part of their work. The teachers 1265 paid hours are for teaching, training, marking, report writing and consultations with parents. It is with some pride that we have gone above and beyond in our work at Beecroft.

Reading Training for parents: Postponed until January 2020.

Dates for your diary

Friday 29th November – Family Assembly

Friday 13th December – Family Assembly

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 2pm – KS2

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 6pm – KS2

All Key Stage 2 are involved in the Christmas Concert

Friday 20th December – Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity (Orchestra Playing) – (Family Assembly)

Wednesday 18th December – School Disco – 3.30pm – 4.45pm (more information to follow from FAB)

Friday 20th December – Whole School -Christmas Party

Yours sincerely



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