December 2019 – Newsletter

December 2019

Dear Parents,

Reminder: Thursday 12th December Election Day School Closed.

Parent Governor: Thank you to all parents who voted for parent governors.  220 families voted.  Thank you to the people who put themselves forward for parent governor.  We are delighted that so many of you are interested in supporting the school. 

Elected as parent governors are Asim Iqbal and Bobby Sharma. Congratulations!

Mr Qasim has agreed to move into the position of community governor so allowing two parent governors to take up the post.

Votes were counted by governors and Alison Smith, Senior Officer at the Governor Support Unit, ensured the process of counting votes was accurate and checked the result.

Public Health England Advice – See attached

Virus in School: If your child is affected by diarrhoea and vomiting they should stay off school until at least 48 hours after the last episode. Please encourage thorough hand washing with soap and water.  Hand washing is an effective way of stopping infections spreading (hand-gel is not as effective as soap), after using the toilet, after using a tissue and before eating.  All pupils’ have had hand-washing demonstrated in school. 

Flu Vaccination: The flu vaccination is the best protection again flu.  Please engage in school-based immunisation programme or attend a ‘mop-up’ clinic.

Consultation Evening: Reception – Year 5 – Wednesday 4th December 3.15pm – 5.45pm

Year 6 – Monday 9th December 12noon – 4.00pm (not those who have already attended)

Children in Need: Our efforts raised £230.00

Christmas Concert: Victorian Villainy – Key Stage 2

Tuesday 17th December at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. All pupils in Key Stage 2 are taking part and will be needed at every performance which will finish at 7.00pm

5th December: International Day of Volunteering: Did you know that Beecroft staff are not paid for running clubs.It is a voluntary part of their work. The teachers 1265 paid hours are for teaching, training, marking, report writing and consultations with parents. It is with some pride that we have gone above and beyond in our work at Beecroft.

Reading Training for parents: Postponed until January 2020.

Dates for your diary

Friday 29th November – Family Assembly

Friday 13th December – Family Assembly

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 2pm – KS2

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 6pm – KS2

All Key Stage 2 are involved in the Christmas Concert

Friday 20th December – Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity (Orchestra Playing) – (Family Assembly)

Wednesday 18th December – School Disco – 3.30pm – 4.45pm (more information to follow from FAB)

Friday 20th December – Whole School -Christmas Party

Yours sincerely



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