March 2020 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for the continuing support from the vast majority of our parents.

An area of concern, with a significant number of families, is that of holidays taken in term time. We have written separately to the 40 families who have taken their children out of school for periods up to 15 school days (30 sessions) between September 2019 and 1st March 2020 but the following is important for all families to note.

HOLIDAYS IN TERM-TIME: Year 6 and Year 2 are national test years. Leeds City Council and Beecroft do not permit holidays in these year groups particularly. Tests are taken in May. All holidays or extended leave are unauthorised in every year and will incur a fine of £60.00 per parent per child. The school calendar for 2020/21 is overleaf and the autumn term starts on 8th September 2020. The first week is important as lessons start properly and new topics are introduced. Pupils will be establishing friendships and it can be very unsettling when they return to new classes late. Your child may also lose their place if they miss 8th September 2020.

Eid is during the year 6 test week 2021. Pupils will take tests at 9.00am and can leave by 11.00am on the 13th May. The day after 14th May 2021 is a training day.

The summer holiday is 7 weeks in length this year so please use that time for family breaks. Unfortunately, absence through leave affects the education of other pupils in the class.

Thank you – Fab for the cheque for £1250.00. Your hard work is appreciated.

Thank you:  To all the staff giving up their evenings for the residential visits to Malham (Year 4) and Herd Farm (Year 5)

Successful Events: Year 6 Music Prom, Herd Farm and World Book Day.                          

Community: Congratulations to Titus Lindsey for winning the logo competition for ‘Friends of Kirkstall Abbey Park’. Thanks to those parents who attended the Reading Workshops. We will run these at a different time later in the term.

Family Assembly: The Family Assembly on 20th March and 3rd April is cancelled as advice (re: Coronavirus). We will re-start after Easter.

Dates for your diary

Friday 13th March – Visit of Ryan Ball – National Design Technology Leader

Wednesday 18th March – Year 6 Skelton Grange Visit

Tuesday 10th and 24th March – Wykebeck Primary School Year 6 at Beecroft for Art and DT

Friday 3rd April – Break up for Easter – Return to school Monday 20th April

Yours sincerely



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