Headteacher’s Letter 27th April 2020

Dear Parents, Carers,
On Friday when you picked up your school work packs I had a wonderful day, despite the circumstances, and I was able to speak to so many families. On Friday, almost every family came to school – a 99% turn out. There was a real feeling that we are all in the current situation together. I felt proud to be part of Beecroft. During our conversations I heard about:

  • Children able now to ride their bike without stabilizers – Well done!
  • Families following children’s interests outdoors.
  • Children drawing and painting.
  • Reading and distanced book swaps.
  • Baking.

There was a real buzz about your home child-centred and interest driven curriculum. Keep this time positive and be grateful for what we have that is good – support and help others, look after your loved ones, look after your mind and body. Above all do things that you and your family will enjoy. Remember that whilst we remain apart, we are sticking together. With our best wishes,

J. Turner
PS Don’t forget that you can now click on the Beecroft home-learning zone on our website. If there is anything that we can support you with send an email to info@beecroft.leeds.sch.uk

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