Headteacher’s Letter 4th May 2020

Dear Parents,

Another week on and I hope that you and your loved ones are well and that at least, most of the time you are enjoying your time together. Keeping a routine is probably more important than ever.

Last week saw the launch of our Beecroft Home Learning Zone. I hope that you have managed to make use of some of the suggestions for work and activities. Whatever you choose to do make the most of the time to read, follow interests and to be outdoors. I am looking forward to the ‘beautiful,’ challenges. My ‘beautiful’ has to be the haze of bluebells in the wood, where I run, below the canopy of  spring lime-green leaves. 

This week you can watch a message from your teachers on the Beecroft youtube video. We are missing all of our community as a school, is not a school, without all of us in it. 

Keep this time positive and above all do things that you and your family enjoy – look after your mind and body. If we can help in any way do not hesitate – get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

J Turner


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