Headteacher’s Letter 8th June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
Time is passing quickly so it was good, last week, to be able to welcome back children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. We are proud that we welcomed all the Year groups. Our governors signed off our lengthy and thorough risk assessments and on our return day plans went smoothly. There were a lot of smiling faces – both children and adults! Then it was down to business as usual, in the classrooms, with work on reading, writing, computing and transition to high school in Year 6. Pupils enjoyed the chance to catch up with and play with friends at break times and lunchtime. Thank you to parents for your cooperation with the organisation.

This week you will receive your child’s annual school report by post. The report has the same detail as previous years and is a teacher assessment to the middle of March when school closed. Both progress and attainment is a teacher assessment. Effort and attendance is again to the end date of school in March. Some pupils may have slipped back during the lockdown whilst others, working at home, will have maintained their progress and forged ahead. Only if you have serious concerns, when you read the report, do you need to contact us by email or phone to arrange a telephone appointment before 17 July.
If your child is working from home, please look on the home- learning zone and keep up that reading.

Best wishes,
J. Turner

June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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