Comic -Relief – Friday 18th March

To take part in Comic Relief this year, we will be having a wear red and/or your red nose day on Friday 18th March. All children may bring in a voluntary contribution of up to £1 to support the cause. Money raised will go towards helping people in the UK who the COVID-19 pandemic has made life harder for; whilst this year, Red Nose Day donations will also be used to support people fleeing the war in Ukraine, as the terrible conflict intensifies. In school children will learn about the causes being helped and take part in a fun red nose class quiz.  As another part of our fundraising, we will be taking part in Comic Relief’s Lego Challenge.  

The challenge is to design or make a habitat fortheir favourite of this year’s themed red nose creatures. You can find the creatures and information about their habitats at:

Entries can be built out of Lego, made out of card and other materials or simply drawn/painted on paper. If your child brings their habitat entry in on Friday 18th March, they will be judged by school council with the top 3 entries being photographed and sent through to Comic Relief for the main competition. 

Good luck with your designing! 

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