Headteacher’s Update: Tuesday 24th May 2022

Spring Bank Holiday: 
Break up Friday 27 May and return to school on Wednesday 8 June 2022

Wellbeing Day: 
Friday 27 May – Pupils’ wear P.E. uniform

Family Assembly:
Tomorrow Wednesday 25 May at 8.50am (Nell Bank Residential and Reception singing)

Dear Parents/Carers,
This has been a busy half-term. Year 5 have been on a residential to Nell Bank in Ilkley which they thoroughly enjoyed in beautiful weather. Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard in their Year 6 National Tests. Year 2 have completed their reading and maths giant quiz (Year 2 assessments in disguise!) All our pupils did their best and were extremely focused.

Thursday 9th June: Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebratory Lunch. To mark this historic occasion – You can come and join your child for lunch if you wish. The lunch is open to all pupils as at our ‘Christmas Dinner’. If your child has a packed lunch they will need to pay (£2.50) – yours is free. You will need to let us know. (email will be sent out) Pupils can wear red, white and blue clothes in traditional cultural dress or wedding or party clothes for the day. This is a good opportunity for all the school to be united in a very British event. Governors are also invited.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Holiday Challenge: This is an opportunity to do a painting, information sheet, poem or find out about the Queen’s residences or work or your street party  (Any aspect of the celebration)

Enjoy the break and thank you for your continued support – Attendance is Beecroft again 96.6%. Well done!

Best wishes,

J. Turner

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