Anti-bullying week

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you know this week has been Anti-bullying Week when children have worn their odd socks to raise awareness and carried out work in class on the topic. A major part of anti-bullying education is learning about online bullying. This was our whole school online safety focus in half term1, where children learnt about:

· ways that some people can be unkind online and know how this can make others feel 

· what bullying is, how people may bully others and how bullying can make someone feel. 

· why anyone who experiences bullying is not to blame. 

· how anyone experiences bullying can get help.

Attached to this letter is an up-to-date guide for parents from National Online Safety about ways to combat online bullying. If you have any concerns about online bullying, we are always here to help in school.

As we are a certified school, you can still access and become a member of National Online Safety by using the link where you can access many useful resources and up to date info to keep your children safe in the ever-changing online world.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Campbell

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