Headteacher’s Update: 24th May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
The sun is shining and what a beautiful day!

Today started with a wonderful Coronation Assembly by Reception Classes. The quality of speaking, singing and acting was exceptional. We wanted to watch it more than once. All the children have developed so much confidence as the year has progressed. Well done children and staff! It is such a pleasure to see our children do so well.

Thankyou: Thank you to FAB as they continue to do refreshments at Family assembly and in their planning of the summer fair. Please join in we need as much help as possible for 22 June starting from 1.15 when the setting up takes place.

Sporting Success: Well done to our U11s football team who narrowly finished second, in the Leeds Central League. They were disappointed not to be crowned champions, but played some excellent football over the season and were the top goal scorers in their league with 24 goals. This made them the 3rd best runner-up of all schools in Leeds.

Year 5SC took part in the Brownlee Triathlon last Friday at John Charles Centre for Sport. All 25 children completed the gruelling 3 events which included: swimming 3 lengths, 800m of cycling and 400m running. A fantastic achievement.

Bikeability: Year 6 are enjoying a week of bikeability training. They have been so lucky with the weather.

Attendance: Whole school – 96.8%. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is in the green zone. Please do not book holidays during the term time – such holidays seriously impact on learning. Persistent absence (below 90% attendance) is a serious matter and gives rise to safeguarding concerns about your child as the place to be is school which is a legal requirement of parents. The vast majority are in full support. Thankyou.

Holiday – Break up Friday 26th May and return to school on Tuesday 6th June

Thank you for your support and enjoy the break,

Best wishes,

J. Turner

June Turner


Beecroft Primary School

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