Headteacher’s Update: 24th May 2024

Dear Parents / Carers,

It has been a very busy and successful half-term and the pupils have been very active, despite the seemingly constant rain.

Sporting Activities:

On Tuesday, this week Year 6 completed a competitive orienteering course against other schools in the beautiful setting of Temple Newsam. The pupils had to navigate the course in teams.

This afternoon Year 5 pupils are completing the Brownlee pupil triathlon at John Charles Sports Centre. The pupils will swim 3 sides of the pool, cycle 800m on the track and run 300m. Bikes and helmets are provided, and every child will receive a t-shirt beforehand and a medal and goody bag when they cross the finish line. Good luck!

Our Under 11s football team continue with their sporting success. On Thursday 13th June they are playing in the quarter final for the Football Champions of Leeds title. Their match is against St. Peters School.

PE Uniform:

Please ensure that your child has the correct P.E uniform for the summer term.

. Black or navy-blue shorts and a plain white round neck T-shirt. These can be above the knee cycling shorts.

. Pumps

. Trainers for outdoor P.E. lessons in Key Stage 2.

. A sun hat and water bottle are also useful during the summer term.

Attendance: Whole School – 97.6%. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is in the green attendance zone. Please do not book holidays during the term time – such holidays seriously impact on learning.

Holiday – We return to school on Tuesday 4th June.

Thank you for your support and enjoy the break.

Best wishes,

Miss Brown

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