Child Safety Week 3-9 June 2024

This year, Child Safety Week takes place between the 3-9 June and the theme is “Safety. Sorted!” It’s all about helping families feel confident that, with one small change, they can stop a serious incident and be clear what they need to do to keep their children safe.

Here’s a few small changes that everyone can do to help get children’s road safety sorted:

  • teach children road safety skills from an early age. Encourage children to think, stop, look and listen
  • set a good example by crossing at a safe place and follow the Green Cross Code
  • hold hands with young children when near busy roads and when you cross
  • use the right car seat for your child’s height and weight and your car
  • don’t speed, and drive carefully near schools or where children play
  • wear a cycle helmet, reflective clothing and use bike lights at night
  • put your phone away when you’re driving, walking and cycling
  • check your vehicle and your tyres regularly
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