Headteacher’s Update: 16th October 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,
We are coming to the end of the first half-term and the majority of children have settled well into the year,

Reading At Home – Parent/Carer and child

Please can I remind and request that the home-school reading is made a priority for at least 20 minutes – at least three times a week and that you sign the reading diary,. Help from home has dropped off from Year 3 when children need to talk about more difficult words. The current Year 3 need more support at home please. Whilst we will be contacting individual parents I just want to respectfully remind all parents/carers of the vital part reading has in developing your child’s education. Without good reading skills no other learning can take place.

To this end Reception to Year 6 parents are invited to come into school on Wednesday mornings at 8.30-9.00 to read with your own child, It will also enable valuable feedback on how your child is getting on. (Every Wednesday but not Family Assembly days: Starts on Wednesday 6th November)

Attendance: To date is 98.4%          School starts at 8.30am

Thank you for your support to the majority of parents. Again, we will be contacting families of concern where frequent doctors/dental appointments are taken out of school and where holidays/leave is being requested already during term time. Leave is strictly not allowed in Year 6 which is a national test year.  We want to support your children, and we want the very best for them. See the information overleaf on the new penalty charges which will apply to any leave taken out of school and which will be unauthorised.

Our Year 6 who do the best are those with high attendance in every year of the school. Leave in Year 6 has a particularly detrimental effect and usually such pupils do not meet expected levels.

After 20 days of leave you lose your place in school. (national law)

Parking: Please park in Milford Club car park and not at the end of Sandford Road. Police are supporting us in this matter.

Good News!

Harvest family Assembly and Music Medal presentation: Wednesday 23 October 8.50am (please send tins, packets, sugar, tea etc for St George’s Crypt which relies on our donations for the homeless and families in need) All families and friends are welcome. FAB coffee morning afterwards for all interested parents. (Friends At Beecroft Parent Teacher Association)

Castleton Residential: Year 6 this week

Black History Month: Challenge (Please see our museums and cultural display outside Year 2 and Year 4.) Challenges in by Friday 8th November.

Football Success: A great start the season for Beecroft with a win on the first away match.

Open evening and Open morning: Wednesday 13 November 6.00 – 7.30            Thursday 14 November 9-11am

Family lunch: Come into school and share school lunch with your child – Thursday 21 November (1 parent free per family)

Winter Concert Key Stage 2 and Drama Club Tuesday 17 December 2pm and 6.30pm (all in it including drama club) This is about space travel – Out of this world

Reception Nativity: Thursday 19 December 9.15am (Christmas lunch)

Half Term Holiday: Break up Friday 25 October and return to school Monday 4th November

Best wishes,
June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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