Dear Parent/Carer,
What a week! Thank you so much for your cooperation and support in this week of extremely low temperatures, snow and ice.
As temperatures are set to be -9 degrees overnight today we are giving the option again tomorrow and Friday for an 8.30-10am start time to allow safe travel when side roads are still extremely hazardous.
The school site is safe and children have been staying in school over breaks and lunchtimes. Next week will be back to normal.
Thursday 9th January: 8.30-10am start time.
Friday 10th January: 8.30-10am start time.
Wk 13th January From Monday: 8.30 start as normal.
Thank you again for getting your children into school – I know how difficult this has been. Your support is much appreciated and our learning has continued.
Attendance for the whole school this week to date is 97% Well done Beecroft! Well done all families!
Best wishes,
J Turner
Beecroft Primary School