Newsletter March 2019

Dear Parents,

Ofsted Pilot Inspection
I am sure that you will be delighted by the result of our Pilot Ofsted Inspection which took
place for 2½ days last week. The full report transcribed by the Local Authority at the feedback
session to governors is attached. Whilst the report is not published with a grade there is no
doubt that Beecroft is amongst the best schools in the country.
The report is glowing in its praise! Inspectors said, “It had been a refreshing privilege to spend
time at Beecroft Primary School” and that our school “constantly goes the extra mile”. The
pupils are described as having, “keen attitudes to learning” and there are “excellent
relationships between adults and children”. I hope that you are justly proud of our
achievements and our work together to ensure that the children in our care receive the very
best that schools can provide.

Residential Visits
All Year 4 had a successful residential visit to Malham. Year 5, enjoyed their outdoor activity
residential at Herd Farm.

Fair Trade
We have raised £200.00 so far during Fair Trade Fortnight.

Beds for the Homeless
We have raised £114.00 altogether to date. Well done everybody!
All classes still have a collection box for change that pupils can add at any time.

£10,000 has been spent on new books for our library. This money has come from the school
Please continue to support us with reading and the learning of new words.

We break up for Spring Holiday Friday 29 th March – Return to School Monday 15th April

Long Easter Weekend
Break up – Thursday 18 th April – Return to school Tuesday 23rd April

Yours sincerely

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