Final Newsletter July 2019

Final Newsletter July 2019

Dear Parents,

Please see the reverse for the re-organised Sports Day.

I just wanted to say an end of term final ‘thank you’ for the tremendous support for our children. Without your support for reading, attendance, uniform, routines (to name just a small number of things), we would not be able to run such a successful school.

This week we have enjoyed fixtures with other local schools winning some football and rounders but certainly enjoying the game, a wonderful Reception Concert and more trips and visits.

Next week 65 pupils go to Pizza Hut to celebrate their 100% attendance 2018/2019.

Our provisional Year 6 test results are very high compared with local schools and National. Well done to all (see website)

Looking forward


Please bring the correct uniform – check on the website please (no playsuits),

 grey skirt, pinafore or trousers, white or blue polo shirt, all dark P.E shorts and white round neck t-shirt, black indoor pumps, logo school jumper or cardigan.


 All pupils must return to school on Wednesday 4th September  


 We are taking a much harder line with extended leave and holidays which we do not expect in term-time during 2019/2020. Please see previous letters.

  • No time OFF in Year 6 (Test Year) Year 6 Tests are week beginning 9th May 2020.
  • Leave 20+ days means the loss of your school place.

It is not surprising that those pupils with excellent attendance do well.

Congratulations on 100% attendance every year from Reception to Year 6 to Zixun Yang.

All that is left for me to say is have an enjoyable summer break.

School returns on Wednesday 4th September

School starts at 8.50am (In the playground at 8.45am)

Thank you again for your support,

Yours sincerely,



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