It is some time since I wrote to you about holidays or extended leave taken during term time. I would like to start by thanking the majority of parents who never take their child/children out of school. Thank you!

Those pupils’ taking time off do fall behind with their school work and it is proven that they do less well in National Tests.

A number of families are taking our goodwill and patience for granted. Governors have been clear, that those taking 20 days (40 sessions) or more, as the law explains, will lose their place at Beecroft. We have waiting lists of pupils wanting a place.

Some pupils have lost their place this September as they went on holiday for more than 20 days.

Pupils will lose their place, at Beecroft, and will need to apply for another school, if they are on leave over 20 school days or 40 sessions.


  • DO NOT book tickets before any dates have been discussed with school one month in advance at least. A meeting will be held with the Headteacher.
  • All holidays/leave in term time are unauthorised and one week can be detrimental
  • Holidays/exceptional leave cannot be taken in test years
    • No leave in Year 6 (National Tests 11 May 2020)
    • No leave in Year 2
    • No leave in Year 1 National phonics tests in June
  • Pupils who are working below national expectations should not take leave.
  • 20 school days leave, results in a child being taken off roll and the place is filled from the waiting list. You will need to apply to another school.
  • Any holiday of any length will result in a fine. (£60 per parent, £60 per child £240 family of 4)
  • A referral will be made to the Education Authority – Children Missing in Education (CME) if the child does not return on time.
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