October 2019 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for getting the term off to a good start.

Good News: Summer Reading Challenge: Beecroft Primary won the competition in the Headingly & Kirkstall area for the school with the largest number of children participating and completing the challenge. Well Done! This has resulted in a visiting author assembly. Keep up the reading.

Parent Governor: There is an opportunity to become a parent governor at Beecroft. We are lucky to have very committed governors over many years. The decision to become a governor entails a time commitment of 3 full meetings a year (essential) usually starts at 3pm and lasting 2 hours. There is also a requirement to be available at other times in the year and to attend training as appropriate. If you want to know more and have the time to make the commitment, please ring for an informal discussion with myself, the Headteacher (This is prior to any ballot or formal election process).

Thursday Clubs after School: Any clubs held on Thursday evening will leave from the school playground and not the hall with effect immediately.

Nut Allergy: No nuts and seeds in school please. We have a child with a serious nut allergy.

Parents and Partners: We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to be happy and successful. If you want to discuss any matters, please contact the office to make an appointment with myself or your child’s class teacher. We have much to be proud of, at Beecroft, not least in our broad and balanced curriculum – musical instrument, DT, art. Our Year 6 parents were delighted with their child’s achievements in July. Leeds City Council has also reminded all parents of the importance of the 3 ‘A’s – attendance, achievement and attainment in enabling children to be happy and successful.

We look forward to working with you and your child in the year ahead.

School Office Opening Times:

The school office is open to parents at the following times for forms and uniforms and payments.

(Please respect the running of the business side of the school). If you need an appointment with the Headteacher or your child’s class teacher, please ring the school office on 0113 2618820.

Monday to Friday 8.50am – 9.10am (not uniform or payments) – General Enquiries

Thursday each week 9.00am – 9.30am – All payments and uniform.

The office is closed completely at 2.30pm on Friday each week

Dinner Money: Please send each Monday in an envelope with your child’s name and class on it. This must be handed to their class teacher. The cost of a school dinner is £2.50 per day (£12.50 weekly). If you are paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Beecroft Primary School.

Attendance: Please support your child by not taking holidays in term time. School starts at 8.50am pupils should be in the playground at 8.45am. School finishes at 3.15pm.

Harvest Festival & Music Medal Presentation – Family Assembly – Friday 18th October:

Please can you send Harvest Gifts of tins, packets, cereals, rice, biscuits fruit and vegetables, etc. by Tuesday 15th October. Could you also nominate an elderly friend, relative or neighbour who you feel would appreciate a Harvest Gift. Please nominate on the slip attached. We ask that you would enable your child to deliver the gift. The remainder of the food will be given to Caring For Life, Leeds.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Harvest Assembly and Music Medal Presentation.

Dates for your diary To Christmas 2019

18 October – Family Assembly – Musical Harvest Festival- Presentation of Music Medals

25 October – Well-being Day

Monday 28th October – Return Monday 4th November – Half Term

8th November – Family Assembly

14th November – Open Evening –  6.00pm – 7.30pm

15th November – Open Morning – 9.00am – 11.00am

Friday 29th November – Family Assembly

Friday 13th December – Family Assembly

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 2pm

Tuesday 17th December – Christmas Concert at 6pm

All Key Stage 2 are involved in the Christmas Concert

Friday 20th December – Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity

Friday 20th December – Whole School -Christmas Party



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